My Friendly Followers

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Friendship Journal

Hello all my crafty buddies,

I was thinking about doing a friendship journal and was wondering if any of you would be interested in joining me. It would work basically like a tag or card swap but will be a altered journal page about yourself. Here’s how it would work…

Using a 5x7 piece of card stock score a 1 ½” margin down the left hand side of the card stock. This margin will be how you hold your book together. You can 3 hole punch, spiral bind, glue or whatever way you choose to do it. That 1 1/2" should leave you plenty of room.

Decorate the front side only with whatever you like to work with, stamping, painting, drawing, fabric, paper, mixed media, write a poem, tell a story etc. What ever you choose to do it must represent you and your style. It can be flat, 3 dimensional, textured or what ever.  If your a quilter or if you crochet make a small 5 x 5 square and attach it to the card stock. If you ccross stitch, needlepoint or felt pierce you can attach your to the cardstock as well. If your a jewelery maker you can add a piece that you made as well. It just has to be mounted on the 5x7 cardstock and represent your style of creativity as listed in the rules above. 

On the back side you will do a journal page about yourself. Put your name, your blog, your likes, dislikes, interests, favorite vacation spots ect. Nothing to personal as you will be sharing your journal pages with others. ( We will limit the participants to 6 for this time around - that's you and five others )

You will make one journal page for each person who has signed up and one for yourself  and in return they will be making one for you.

Once you get all your journal pages you can then make yourself a front and back cover and put it together however you would like or you can just attache the pages with out a front and back cover.  I would like to keep adding more pages from additional swaps that I host or some that I might join, so  when I put mine together I will use something I can add more pages to like the binder rings or ribbon.

I think this is a great way to get to see in person everyones unique style, learn a little about each other, and have a really really cool book at the end. 

If you are interested in participating please respond below.  

I will close the date for signing up on Jan 31st.  I will then let everyone know how many participants we have so you know how many journal pages to make. (Max pages you will have to make is 6)

All journal pages should then be mailed to me no later than March 1st. Please send a large self addressed stamped envelope so I can send your journal pages back to you.. 

Let me know if you have any questions.

Hope you can participate!


  1. Just wanted to let you know that the Jolly Holidays will work with the original. I have the Expression and haven't upgraded.

    Carson's Creations

  2. This is a fun idea..Have done them before but I would make a couple of suggestions to think about.
    First: You need to set a limit of people up front..Not knowing how many pages should be made might discourage some from participating. If you don't get a lot in the beginning I would do the swap anyway and then post the ones you receive so that others can see what it is all about. If they have not done one before or not seen one before they may be reluctant to sign on but once they have seen the example or actual pages it may encourage them to try. This way you could set up another swap for those people who are kicking themselves for not getting in on the first one.

    Second: I don't think I would have anyone punch holes or do bind it all, etc. Each person may be doing theirs differently..Once they get the pages they can punch their own holes or set it up with a bind it all or use twine or rings. They could still score the margin.

    Third: Emphasize the 5 x 7..Some may be intimidated by thinking it is a larger size and multiple pages would be time consuming.

    I'm in if you can get others..I will do what I can on my end.. We did these in a group on Yahoo once and put them in an 8 x 8 album..Not difficult at all and quite fun! :) ~

  3. Thanks Vicki and Lori M. for your suggestions.

  4. Hi Lori, count me in, this will be fun and the extended time really helps me a lot.

    Hugs and Merry Christmas, Lori m

  5. I finished two journal pages yesterday. Hope we get 4 more crafters signed up. Today I'm going to work on the front and back cover of my friendship journal. I'll post pictures when I'm finished.

  6. Hi Lori~
    Thanks for hopping by and leaving me a sweet comment and also became a follower too. I'm aslo your newest follower... I'm here browsing around and you have some awesome projects going on.... Love everything I see, and whew that craft space of yours is awesome.... looks so organized and spotless clean too... Cody is just the cutest thing sure looks like he spoiled to the max......
    Have a very Merry Christmas!!!!

  7. Merry Christmas and may God’s grace be with you. Make merry not just on this wonderful day but all throughout the year!! God Bless, my dear friend! Greetings from Rio de Janeiro/Brasil!
    Literatura & Linguagens

  8. As we all look up to the New Year
    with new hope, aspirations and
    Hope it brings you happiness and
    fulfills all your wishes,
    Wish you a Happy and
    Fulfilling 2012!!!


  10. Hello,
    I was surfing the web when I arrived on your site. You have a wonderful blog. The different photos and ideas about arts and craft on the blog are simply amazing.

    I run a Coupon Deal Website where you will find a tonne of grocery deals from all major grocery stores that you will not find anywhere else. I wanted to ask you for a big favor. Are you interested in doing a link exchange or banner exchange for mutual benefit?

    If yes then please post a link to my site and email me and I will post a link to your site as well.

    Abby Mansing
    Grocery Coupon Mama

  11. Thanks for visiting my blog during Diana's 1st Blogaversary hop! :) I was ROTFL about your Christmas crock pot story! And I'm your newest follower!

  12. Would love to join Lorie. I guess it depends how many I need to make. Also, If you would like any help at all . You can send me an email. I love making tutorials,and am always will to help.

  13. Hi Lori, Thank you for visiting my blog. The box was a hit when I presented it today to my group. Everyone had their own version which made it fun. Your blog is great. I will look forward to looking around more. Have a creative 2012!

  14. I will need an address to mail these journal pages too. I will get on that today!! thank You hopefully we get all spots filled.. Sounds like a great project!!

  15. Hi Lori,

    Love all the blog updates, centerpieces beautiful, Cody is the cutest. Fantastic journal page idea, I'm going to have to pass on this swap, life is taking me by storm these days.

    Hugs, Lori m, who got here by Internet Explorer
